Saturday, June 30, 2012

Just so you know..

I have a little more trust in you now to do our props <3

But anyways, today is the day I discovered the reason why Jonathan doesn't want to be a nice guy.
Cause every girl will start to chase a nice person.
Like I am now.
I'm being too nice....
gosh, what did I get myself into... =3=
you don't wanna know ><

John said imma art genius XD
Yesterday Esther said imma genius X3
hahahahahahahaha <3
their words always boost up my motivations.

My mum gossiped about me being not good at study but being good only at arts. She kept saying about it like I'm worthless and I can't study and can only shut up in my room doing God knows what.
I'm feeling so sad....
Especially when both of them are home. I feel so drained....
Every happiness seem to drain from me, and it's replaced by fake smile and words till one of them is gone for the next whole week.

If they would know of my lost secret.
Everything would collapse.. ^^

If they would know all my desires and thoughts.
That would be the day of my death.

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