Friday, January 02, 2015

New year 2015

So, it's another new year.
I spent my new year in the Uk. 
But without my loved one, because he's in Ireland. 

I wanted to countdown with him in London. But he's not able to travel that far on his own yet. 

Anyway.. What could be worse than having your dad messaging you first thing in the morning of the new year and reminded you that you have turned 20?????? I really do think that's the worse thing that could start off the year...

I finally had a relationship that lasted till the new year. Hahaha, I know it's weird, but from all the relationships I had, none had lasted further than my birthday month. 

It's nice to have someone wishing you happy new year, merry Christmas, and all the other stuff. He's so sweet, he says the cutest stuff. Not to mention the sexy sounding stuff, even when he didn't mean to be sexy or any of that sort. 
I don't think he even knows he sounds sexy... 

He said he's going to buy me a present from Ireland, so I'm looking forward to it. 
Oh gosh. I can't wait for Monday to come, but yet I don't want it to come, because Monday have tests from school. 
Oh the horror...

Ever since before I came to UK, I never played chess, and I couldn't learn much about chess either, but then when I met him, he was the first person I played chess with. He's a vicious player but he's so gentle.

He's a Christian by the way. 
So, what could be more perfect than that? I don't know if the parents like me, but they certainly are friendly to me. 
His dad or mum doesn't seem like they want to kill me. They even prepared dinner for me. 

He said he misses me a lot, and it annoys him. Hahaha and he wishes me to be with him in Ireland, he's so sweet.
Probably it may seem normal to you, but, I haven't had someone to speak in such a way to me before, so I appreciate it a lot. 

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